What happens during a session?

Most sessions include the McTimoney technique and craniosacral therapy. The addition of core postural alignment (spinal touch) is another option, as is any individual technique or combination of techniques. Each session is tailored to your needs at the time.

Your first visit

The first consultation may take up to two hours and includes a case history, relevant gentle physical tests, and an explanation of the treatment. You would usually receive your first treatment on this visit and a follow up treatment one or two weeks later. Follow up treatments are an hour or longer, depending on what is needed at the time. Visits become less frequent as your symptoms improve. You would be referred for an X-ray or other medical tests only if it were essential for the safety of your treatment.

After session your body may feel different or tired while it takes its own time to readjust. Normal gentle activities are fine. Repetitive or strenuous exercise and hot baths should be avoided for a couple of days. Drinking lots of water and eating lightly helps any detoxing.

An annual treatment is recommended for everybody, to help maintain good health.

McTimoney Technique


This is characterised by swift, light adjustments, using only the hands. Most adjustments are within the body’s normal range of movement, and treatment is pleasant to receive.


Craniosacral Therapy


This is a subtle way of working not only on the cranium (skull), and sacrum (base of the spine), but also with any area of the body holding physical or emotional stress, allowing the body to heal and to feel more relaxed.


Core Postural Alignment


Core Postural Alignment (Spinal Touch) is a philosophy and practice which seeks to help keep the bones of the skull, spine and pelvis in their proper relationship with each other, in order to allow the body to express its maximum potential.